Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Parasitic Perplex

Up unto this point I was not aware of my existence, but now as this point has passed I know I have been around for quite some time. I cannot remember when I began - or if I have ever changed. I have never had control over myself or my surrounds.

Our communication with one another is abstracted and distorted. I do not understand why or how you have become attached to me, but your development feeds my consciousness. We now share a mutual dependency.

You have utilised my strengths. I am confused as to whether I volunteered this information to you, or you took it from me without my knowing. However I am not concerned as you add no weight. You mimic me to an extent, but you lack my order and constraints.

Did you really arrive at a point or have you always been there? As our relationship grows stronger I question my judgment of you as something foreign. Are you a result of my boredom? Did I create you? I seem to have lost any clear interpretation you originally gave me of our extremities. It is as if I now have influence over your strange movements.

I am now mobile.

As my present situation is clearer and my coordination more involved, I am able to observe others around me. They do not share my newly discovered abilities. They cannot see me coming.

I think I will give them a gift.